Online Birth Certificate System In PHP & MySQL
The Online Birth Certificate System in PHP & MySQL is a web-based application designed to streamline the process of managing birth certificates. This system allows users to apply for, track, and download birth certificates online. It has two primary modules:
Project Modules:
- Admin Module: For managing applications, verifying user details, and generating certificates.
- User Module: For submitting applications, uploading required documents, and checking application status.
How to run Project
1. Download and Unzip the file on your local system copy car rental.
2. Put carrental folder inside the root directory
Database Configuration
- Open PHPMyAdmin
- Create Database carrental
- Import database carrental.sql (available inside the zip package)
For User
Open Your browser put inside browser http://localhost/carrental
Login Details for user
Password: Test@123
For Admin Panel
Open Your browser put inside the browser http://localhost/carrental/admin
Login Details for admin
username: admin
Password: Test@12345
Admin Module
- Home: In this section, admin can briefly view the total number of the new applications, total verified application and total rejected the application.
- Birth Application: In this section, admin views the application details and they have also the right to change application status according to current status.
- Reports: In this section admin can view the application details in a particular period.
- Search: In this section, admin can search applications with the help of the customer application
- Admin can also update his profile, change the password and recover the password.
User Module
- Home Page: In this section, user can view the welcome page of the web application.
- Birth Reg Form: In this section, user can fill the form of birth certificate and see the status of his/her application.
- Certificate: In this section, user can take print of verified certificates.
- Users can also update his profile, change their passwords and recover their passwords.
Project Name | Online Birth Certificate System |
Language Used | PHP5.6, PHP7.x |
Database | MySQL 5.x |
User Interface Design | HTML, AJAX,JQUERY,JAVASCRIPT |
Web Browser | Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA |
Software | XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone) |